Monday, November 20, 2006

My Self-Efficacy

This is why I like to clean and organize my room. It allows be to do even more productive things, such as this recent e-mail to my house list, affectionately known by hundreds as "":

Here are some brief updates on CollegeBoxes based on some top-notch special ops E-research i JUST did. Talk about cookies fresh out of the oven. This info you are about to read reaching into the furnace to grab smoldering cupcakes! gotta get 'em while they're hot!

1. Matt DeAnthony is NOT a real person. He is not a person. Here is the evidence:

- I also called both numbers, the first wasn't even him, and second had these weird static-y beeps. In case it was him, I left a message after the beep that emulated fart noises among other things.

2. Check out their awesome blog:

- Please take note of the picture of the masked man who allegedly "runs operations" and the picture of the 11.5 people collegeboxes team that includes 2 kids who appear to be under 10 (maybe they are the ones who lost the boxes because they thought the ID stickers were fruit-roll up! gotta have lots of Vitamin C!) as well as one half-person who may or may not be a part of the "team."

- Conclusion: CollegeBoxes is NOT a cohesive unit and possessess inferior-quality cohesives behind their tags. Maybe they used fruit-roll ups. Who knows?! If I were in charge, I would've definitely gone with the gusher or at least shark bites.

3. CollegeBoxes charges ridiculous prices for their storage (old news).

- Does it makes sense to charge $60 to store a small table that only cost $20 from Ikea? No, but it sure as heck makes a lot of cents! I thought monopolies only existed in as mass-produced boardgames that apparently are not that popular based on the recent kirkland-list and Gallup polls. I thought that there were only oligarchies, such as the ones controlling big media conglomerates and all the media content that's distributed through them! Gee GOLLY! These smoldering cupcakes sure are delicious!

4. Their blog still contains 0 (ZERO) comments.

- This leads me to suspect that they really did not receive all those "thank-you" notes from happy customers. They must be really good at detecting sarcasm:

- Let us not let our true voices be smothered by big media interests! Utilize the Wonders of Web 2.0 and comment away at the outrageous claims made by the fallacious facade that is college"boxes"!

- I just tried making a post, but it likely will not bypass "blog owner approval" (Here's what I tried to say, in regards to the picture of their leader: "i like the mask. it's like how your company masks the deficiencies of its supposedly top-notch services. ouch. i hope this post didn't take your company down too many notches...that is if there are still any more notches to drop. OOOOOOOOOOOOO, what now "CB"?! You just got OWNED!!!!!! Just like my friends' furniture that you still got! That's right, DON'T PRETEND LIKE U DON'T KNO WUT I MEEN!!!!!! PWNED)

Anyway, I hope all of this was somewhat enlightening. I'm almost done cleaning up my room, and if any random furniture or boxes turn up, I'll be sure to call the police. Maybe UCLA UCPD or something. Matt DeAnthony could really use a taze or fifty-eight.


"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Gandhi

Monday, November 13, 2006

hype or just not right?

from time to time, i tend to get really worked up and passionate about certain things. but only certain things, not everything, although all things relate to these certain things to some extent. from time to time, opportunities that have the potential for me to address these certain things will arise, and it is also important to note that these potentials can differ tremendously from opportunity to opportunity. sometimes, when these two time to time situations coincide, i'll feel the urgency to act upon it in order to maximize the immediate potential.

sometimes, when this occurs, i'll realize that it might be not be worth it to pursue the realization of this potential because it's sometimes largely irrelevant to the original potential.

this happens from time to time, and often after the fact when it does.

but i could be just forgetting everything.