have you ever...
been in one those mindsets in which you want to do everything possible that you can and want to do, but for some reason feel hampered by the fact that you haven't been making the most of your time and efforts to do so? or have you ever felt like there is just so much shit you can do and want to do that you just don't know where or how to even start? i guess everything can be related back to taking one step at a time...which is cliche as all fuck's shit, but it works. just hope that each step is the right one, but then again, you never know and can never be so calculating, because then you just end up taking no steps and therefore steps backward was time takes its toll. i remember when i used to remember stuff and think about stuff that i remembered. it's been tough for me to do that this past year for one reason or another or more. i write weird, ya heard? word yo, i just typed a mad lot of words and pages and stuff, know what i mean? you know? ya know? of course you don't, or maybe you do, but i really could give less of a fuck cause its rhetorical...bitch. what if the world blew up tomorrow? have you ever thought of that?